viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Will have a static capacity to 22,320 TEUs, and will be able to handle containers with special commodities: dangerous, oversized and refrigerated.

LA MEJOR TERMINAL PORTUARIA EN MÉXICO. Tuxpan Port Terminal contará con equipo de punta para movilizar una gran cantidad de contenedores con eficiencia y seguridad. La terminal, tendrá una capacidad estática para 22,320 TEU’s, y será capaz de manejar contenedores con mercancía especial: peligrosa, sobredimensionada y refrigerada. #tpt

BEST PORT TERMINAL IN MEXICO. Tuxpan Port Terminal will feature the most advanced equipment in order to efficiently and safely move large numbers of containers. This terminal will have a static capacity of 22,320 TEUs, and will be able to handle containers with special commodities: hazardous, oversized and refrigerated. #tpt

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