Tuxpan Port Terminal está preparada para recibir diferentes tipos de buques;
como los conocidos Ro-Ro, que son embarcaciones exclusivas para el transporte
de carga rodante: camiones, autos y otros tipos de maquinaria. Con el objetivo
de brindar mejor servicio, Tuxpan Port Terminal, delimitó un área especial
dentro de su patio para 4,091 automóviles en su primera fase. #serviciosportuarios
THE BEST PORT TERMINAL. Tuxpan Port Terminal is
getting ready to receive different types of ships; like vessels known as Ro-Ro,
which are unique ships specialized in the transportation of rolling cargo:
trucks, cars and other machinery. With the goal of providing a quality service,
Tuxpan Port Terminal will have a special area within our yard to park 4,091
cars, in its first phase. #portservices
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