miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

PORT TERMINAL TUXPAN. Recently, our terminal received part of the machinery that will operate on its premises.

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Recientemente nuestra terminal recibió parte de la maquinaria que operará en las instalaciones. Dentro de este equipo, se incluyen bomb carts, top loaders y side loaders, que servirán para maniobrar los diferentes tipos de mercancía y serán operados por personal altamente capacitado. #terminalportuaria

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Recently, our terminal received part of the machinery that will operate on its premises. Within this equipment there are bomb carts, top loaders and side loaders, which will be used to handle different types of merchandise, and will be operated by highly trained personnel. #portterminal

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