martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Will have a quay length of 556 meters and 14 meters deep, to optimize the loading and unloading of ships

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Nuestra terminal se encuentra ubicada en Tuxpan, Veracruz, en el Golfo de México y estará construida para recibir buques porta-contenedores, buques Ro-Ro. y buques de carga general. Tuxpan Port Terminal contará con un muelle de 556 metros de longitud y 14 metros de calado, para optimizar las maniobras de carga y descarga de las embarcaciones en el menor tiempo posible. #puertodetuxpan

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Our terminal is located in Tuxpan, Veracruz, in the Gulf of Mexico and is being designed to receive containerships, Ro-Ro vessels and general cargo boats. Tuxpan Port Terminal will have a quay length of 556 meters and 14 meters deep, in order to optimize the loading and unloading of ships to the shortest time possible. #puertodetuxpan

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