lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL will offer the most specialized and efficient service for the loading and unloading of containers, automobiles, and general cargo in Mexico

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL Ofreceremos el servicio más especializado y eficiente en carga y descarga de contenedores, automóviles y carga general, para los complejos industriales ubicados en los estados cercanos al puerto de Tuxpan, Veracruz. Así mismo, podremos brindar servicios a las armadoras de autos ubicadas en el Valle de México, Zona Centro y Bajío del país. #tpt

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL will offer the most specialized and efficient service in the loading and unloading of containers, automobiles, and general cargo for all industrial complexes located near the port of Tuxpan in Veracruz. Likewise, it will provide services to car assemblers located in the Mexico valley, central and Bajío areas of the country. #tpt     

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