martes, 14 de julio de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. The agreement was reached by ALACAT and COEALAC and seeks to involve all actors involved in foreign trade

LA MEJOR TERMINAL PORTUARIA EN MÉXICO. El convenio se suscribió entre la Federación de Asociaciones Nacionales de Agentes de Carga y Operadores Logísticos Internacionales de América Latina y el Caribe (ALACAT) y la Confederación de Operadores Económicos Autorizados de América Latina, España y el Caribe (COEALAC). Este convenio buscará involucrar a todos los actores implicados en el comercio exterior para ser considerados de “confianza”, pero sin ser obligatorio. #tpt  #tuxpanportterminal

THE BEST PORT TERMINAL IN MEXICO. The agreement was signed between the Federation of National Associations of Freight Forwarders and International Logistics Operators of Latin America and the Caribbean (ALACAT) as well as the AEO Confederation of Latin America, Spain and the Caribbean (COEALAC ). This agreement seeks to involve all stakeholders in foreign trade to be considered "trusted" - but without being compulsory. #tpt  #tuxpanportterminal

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