jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Its strategic location allows important savings in fuel, tolls and time

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Para el comercio internacional, los costos del transporte ya sea aéreo, ferroviario, marítimo o terrestre, tienen un mayor efecto por los altos costos del combustible. Tuxpan Port Terminal se encuentra estratégicamente ubicada a 293 km del Valle de México por la nueva autopista México-Tuxpan, misma que se recorre en un tiempo de 4:30 horas, lo que significará ahorros importantes en combustible, peaje y tiempo. #tpt #tuxpanportterminal

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Shipping in international trade, either by air, rail, sea or land, have a major impact in costs due to the high prices of fuel. Tuxpan Port Terminal is strategically located 182 miles away from Mexico City through the new Mexico-Tuxpan highway, which gets traveled in 4:30 hrs. and will allow significant savings in fuel, tolls and time. #tpt #tuxpanportterminal        

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