martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Will be able to serve vessels currently arriving at different ports of the Gulf of Mexico

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Con el objetivo de brindar un mejor servicio a los clientes, nuestra terminal portuaria tendrá capacidad de recibir buques porta contenedores, buques tipo RoRo y de carga general. Con ello, Tuxpan Port Terminal, será capaz de atender a los barcos que actualmente arriban a los diferentes puertos del Golfo de México, su diseño innovador permitirá agilizar los movimientos de carga y descarga.  #tpt

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. In order to provide better service to customers, our port terminal will have capacity to receive containerships, Ro-Ro vessels and general cargo boats. This way Tuxpan Port Terminal will be able to serve vessels currently arriving at different ports on the Gulf of Mexico; its innovative design will streamline loading and unloading maneuvers in site. #tpt

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