objetivo de brindar un mejor servicio a los clientes, nuestra terminal
portuaria tendrá capacidad de recibir buques porta contenedores, buques tipo
RoRo y de carga general. Con ello, Tuxpan Port Terminal, será capaz de atender
a los barcos que actualmente arriban a los diferentes puertos del Golfo de
México, su diseño innovador permitirá agilizar los movimientos de carga y
descarga. #tpt
TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. In order to provide
better service to customers, our port terminal will have capacity to receive
containerships, Ro-Ro vessels and general cargo boats. This way Tuxpan Port
Terminal will be able to serve vessels currently arriving at different ports on
the Gulf of Mexico; its innovative design will streamline loading and unloading
maneuvers in site. #tpt
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