jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Once concluded, Tuxpan Port Terminal will manage maritime traffic coming through the Gulf of Mexico

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Una vez concluida la construcción de Tuxpan Port Terminal, se atenderá el tráfico marítimo que ingrese por el Golfo de México, para satisfacer las necesidades del comercio exterior del Valle de México, Zona Centro y Bajío, que son los principales centros de consumo del país y que además, están desarrollando un alto potencial de crecimiento. #tpt

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL. Once its construction is concluded, Tuxpan Port Terminal will manage seaborne traffic coming through the Gulf of Mexico to meet the needs of foreign trade in the valley of Mexico and the central and Bajio areas, which are the main consumption centers of the country and are developing a considerable growth potential. #tpt      

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