martes, 23 de junio de 2015

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL will have an exclusive Customs Office operating within its facilities.

TUXPAN PORT TERMINAL tendrá dentro de sus instalaciones una Aduana exclusiva para las operaciones de esta terminal. Con este beneficio adicional se logrará agilizar y reducir los tiempos para la salida y entrada de carga contenerizada, general y automotriz. Además se contará con 30 camiones y chasis para el traslado de contenedores. #lamejorterminalportuariademexico

Tuxpan Port Terminal will have an exclusive Customs Office within its facilities for all operations requiring it. With this additional benefit, inbound and outbound times of containerized, general and automotive load will be shortened for a more agile flow. In addition, there will be 30 trucks and chassis for the transportation of containers. #thebestportterminalinmexico

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